"Standards and Industry 4.0-first reflections"

A copy of the paper prepared for the conference Association "E -razvoj" (E-development) in October 2020 in Belgrade.

 The central theme of this year's tenth-anniversary conference, "The Impact of digitization on the changes in business processes," certainly could not pass from the story of the standards and their application in the future, on the Industry 4.0

My exposure under entitled "Standards and Industry 4.0-first reflections" include reflections on

  • Trends in standardization at international, regional, national, formal, and informal participants
  • How dependent is Industry 4.0 on standardization
  • Examples of activities of some interesting national programs such as Germany and the USA
  • Needs to increase every day, international activities in the development of standards that will follow the unstoppable pace of digitalization as part of Industry 4.0
  • Serbia's single common platform and strategy for Industry 4.0 would significantly integrate all stakeholders' efforts to achieve the goals successfully.
  • Assumptions and predictions that standardization development should go faster than it is today to provide the necessary answers to all elements of Industry.4.0. I assume that the groups of standards related to all types of verifications, such as testing, control, inspection, monitoring, review, and audits standards, will develop much faster than the technical standards themselves. You can identify those in last years activities in standard development at the international level at ISO, IEC, EIIII, ITU, regional at ETSI, or national as DIN, for good example.


You have the opportunity to see the Serbian version of my presentation prepared for this conference.

Konferencija E razvoj 2020


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